Snow Emergencies

It is the responsibility of the Public Works Director or his designee to declare a snow emergency. A snow emergency shall be declared if 3 or more inches of snow has fallen or is forecasted. (Read the full ordinance here)

During a snow emergency, parking is even/odd between Midnight and 8:00 am. The side of the street depends on the address of the houses on that side of the street and what the date will be after midnight. The odd side of the street is any address ending in an odd number and the even side of the street is any address ending in an even number.

For example, if it is 7:00 pm on December 14th, you should park on the ODD side of the street because it will be December 15th after midnight. Failure to follow the snow emergency ordinance could result in a parking ticket.

How can I find out if a snow emergency has been declared?

Sidewalk Clearing

The owner of a lot or parcel that abuts (is next to) a public sidewalk must have the sidewalk cleared of snow by 9:00 A.M. two (2) days following a snowfall, and any ice that remains on the sidewalk must be sprinkled with a material to prevent slipping. A salt/sand mixture is available for city residents at the Public Works Facility (contractors prohibited from use).

If the owner fails to clear the snow and ice by the deadline, the City will do it and charge the owner for the work.

The occupant or owner of any lot or parcel abutting a public sidewalk in the downtown corridor, specified below, shall remove therefrom all snow, dirt, rubbish or refuse matter to the curb line and sprinkle ice with a material to prevent slipping within 24 hours after the conclusion of a snowfall.

No snow or ice removed from private property, other than the parcels located in the downtown corridor specified in section 64-13(c), shall be deposited in the public ways in areas expected to be cleared by the city. This would include, but would not be limited to, pushing snow or ice across a public roadway or sidewalk; pushing or carrying and depositing snow or ice on a public way expected to be maintained for pedestrian or vehicular traffic; and the blowing or throwing of snow or ice onto a pedestrian or vehicular area.

Should you need to report a sidewalk that has not been cleared within 48 of the end of a snowfall please visit:

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Snow Emergency Ordinance (Section 70-14)

Snow and Ice Removal (Section 64-16)

Mailbox Replacement Policy

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