Department of Public Works

The Department of Public Works is divided into four main divisions: Streets, Parks Maintenance, Forestry and Fleet Maintenance. All four divisions are managed by the Director of Public Works.

Streets Division is responsible for all roadway maintenance, storm water system maintenance, clearing of snow and ice from roadways, street sweeping, management of Riverside and Wheeler Prairie Cemetery, and curbside collection of leaves and brush.

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Parks Maintenance Division manages all parks grounds and infrastructure which includes: repairs to park shelters and playgrounds, Troll Beach and the Splash Pad, cleaning of park bathrooms, park mowing and turf management and snow removal.

Forestry Division manages our urban forestry including street trees, park trees and trees on other city property. If the tree is on your private property, you will need to contact a private contractor at your expense.

Fleet Maintenance services and maintains all vehicles in the city fleet including public works vehicles, police squads, ambulances, fire trucks, utilities vehicles and the television production truck.

Office Hours:
Monday - Friday 7:00 am to 4:00 pm